Councillor Peter Slack is our new Civic Chair

Councillor Peter Slack is Derbyshire Dales District Council's Civic Chair for the coming year - 11 years after he last wore the same chain of office.

The Wirksworth ward member takes over from Councillor David Burton, and will wear the ceremonial chain at official engagements in 2024/25, representing the Council at more than 50 functions throughout the year and organising special fund-raising events for charity.

Councillor Slack has nominated the Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre as his charity for the coming year.

Paying tribute to Councillor Burton, Councillor Slack told the annual general meeting of the District Council on Thursday evening:

“I have known David for many years as a valued colleague and a very good friend.

“David has very good principles and I thank him for his excellent work during his year in office, going to numerous events on behalf of the district of the Derbyshire Dales and also his tireless work for the Send a Child to Hucklow Fund.”

cllr burton handing over to cllr slack may 2024

Councillor David Chapman was elected Deputy Civic Chair for the coming year.

Councillor Steve Flitter was re-elected as Leader of the Progressive Alliance administration, with Councillors Neil Buttle and Bob Butcher as joint Deputy Leaders.

Councillor Steve Wain continues as Chair of the District Council, with Councillor Lucy Peacock newly elected as Deputy Chair.

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