Nature Delivery Plan approved

Your District Council has been proud since 2021 to take a lead in improving the biodiversity of some of the areas we manage across the district through our verges and open spaces project.

We have now approved a Nature Delivery Plan which sets out actions we hope will see us become leaders in championing nature conservation and enhancement.

These actions include increasing the number of sites we manage for nature, enhancing all new Council-owned homes with measures such as bat or bird boxes, making sure all appropriate staff and partners have undertaken basic biodiversity training and sharing regular communications to encourage our residents and businesses to make space for nature.

Importantly, as part of the review of our Local Plan, we will look to strengthen our policies on the provision of wildlife enhancements, tree and hedgerow protection and native planting. Through the new legal requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain all new qualifying developments now must provide 10% net gain in biodiversity units. The plan provides guidance for developers and defines key areas for habitat creation and enhancement.

We’re already working closely with the Derbyshire Swift Group to protect this iconic species locally, including installing nesting boxes on District Council buildings. The plan identifies the opportunity to work with other community-led projects and we welcome the opportunity to discuss these.

View the full Nature Delivery Plan report to our Community and Environment Committee on 30 July.

YouTube broadcast

View the debate at the Community & Environment Committee meeting.

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