Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Adopted February 2020
The Developer Contributions SPD aims to :
- provide guidance to developers in their submission of planning applications
- gives detailed guidance to developers that new developments should contribute to infrastructure needs
- Provide further information setting out what factors form the basis of the calculations
- provide suggestions as part of developments that seek to address the challenges of climate change.
- Sets out the different types of financial contributions sought as part of any proposal,
The SPD gives further guidance for the different types of financial contributions such as:
- affordable housing
- open space
- community facilities including for sport and recreation
- education
- health care
- traffic and transportation and broadband
Derbyshire Dales District Council adopted the Developer Contributions SPD on 19th February 2020.
The Adopted SPD will be used in the determination of planning applications.
Related Documents
Please download the Developer Contributions SPD [PDF 4.80KB]
Please download the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document Adoption Statement (February 2020) [PDF 291KB]