Eastern Moors - Walk Moor

Tuesday morning walks (first Tuesday of month)

**Please note change of day to Tuesday for 2024**

We are delighted to have a partnership between Derbyshire Dales District Council, NE Derbyshire District Council and the Eastern Moors Partnership to provide a wonderful monthly walk along the Gritstone Edges and up on the Eastern Moors. Walks are on uneven ground and will include some uphills.

Walk Moor walks run between March and November - please see the pdf in the 'dates and locations' section for full details

We are giving the What3Words location for each of the car parks as they are not all obvious. Find the what3words website or download the app.

Booking is advised in case there are last minute updates - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 01629 761194

Please wear appropriate clothing and be prepared for inclement weather. Wear good boots/shoes to give your feet support and long trousers to protect against ticks. Bring some water and poles if you have them. There are opportunities for a drink afterwards at several of the meeting points so do bring some money if you would like to.

There are many opportunities to view wildlife both mammals and birds so do bring binoculars if you have them - our walk leader volunteers are very knowledgeable so you are very likely to see, hear or learn something new.

Dates and locations

The full programme for March 2024 to November 2024 is now available to download

Walk Moor programme 2024 (pdf 3.4MB)

All walks set off at 10:30 so please arrive at the start point in good time to be ready to walk on time.

  • Tues 4 Jun – Surprise View car park to walk over Winyards Nick and Surprise view (more uphill than our other routes) – 2.6 miles
  • Tues 2 Jul – Walk across Totley Moor past the air shaft returning through Longshaw Estate. Meet in Woodcroft (visitor centre) car park - 3 miles.
  • Tues 6 Aug – Walk along Bar Brook to visit the stone circles returning via Little Barbrook. Meet at Barbrook Cottage - 2.8 miles
  • Tues 3 Sep – Walk up Houndkirk Road to Burbage Valley and back through Longshaw Estate. Meet in Woodcroft (visitor centre) car park – 3 miles.

What3Words start locations

Woodcroft car park at Longshaw: rated.shield.wallet

Birchen Edge car park: clocking.fiction.huddling

Surprise View car park: worth.rods.crate

Barbrook Cottage: glades.sectors.occupiers (for the turning to the lane)

Shillito Wood car park: aquatics.intrigues.slimy

Curbar Gap car park: thankful.blunders.fallback

Haywood car park: handed.price.ritual

A-Z of services