Taxi and private hire

Hackney carriage / private hire vehicle licences

The District Council is responsible for the licensing of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles within the district of Derbyshire Dales.

Am I eligible?

To drive either a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle licensed by Derbyshire Dales District Council, the driver must hold an appropriate taxi driver's licence issued by Derbyshire Dales District Council.

To get a vehicle licensed by Derbyshire Dales District Council you must first decide whether the vehicle that you are going to drive is to be a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle. The main differences between Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles are as follows:-

Hackney Carriage or Private Hire?

Hackney Carriage Vehicle

  • Can wait at designated taxi ranks.
  • Can ply for hire or be flagged down.
  • Must be driven by a licensed Hackney Carriage driver at all times.
  • Must display a small yellow internal plate in the front windscreen, a large yellow door sticker which identifies the license number of the vehicle and a large yellow plate adjacent to the rear number plate.
  • Must be fitted with a meter set to the District Council's Table of Maximum Fares, which must be on display.
  • Must meet the requirements of the District Council's Taxi Licensing policy.

Private Hire Vehicle

  • All fares must be pre-booked with the Operator.
  • Must be driven by a licensed Private Hire Vehicle Driver.
  • Do not have their fares regulated by the Council. It is advisable to agree the fare prior to the journey commencing.
  • Must display a small green and yellow internal plate in the front windscreen, a large yellow and greed door sicker which identifies the licence number of the vehicle and a large green and yellow plate adjacent the rear number plate.
  • Must meet the requirements of the District Council's Taxi Licensing policy

Regulation summary

A Hackney Carriage Vehicle licence is issued under the provisions of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, the Public Health Act 1875, Public Health Act 2006 and the Part 11 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976).

The Licence Holder is also required to comply with the provisions of the Transport Act 1985, the Council's vehicle specifications and Vehicle Licence conditions contained in the Council's Taxi Licensing Policy.

A Private Hire Vehicle licence is issued under the provisions of Part 11 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976) and Public Health Act 2006.

The Licence Holder is also required to comply with the vehicle specifications and vehicle licence conditions contained in the District Council's Taxi Licensing Policy.

Maximum Age of Vehicles

It is the District Council's policy to only licence vehicles that are under 10 years old.

One exception to this is the purpose built London style taxis, which will be allowed up until eleven years of age. The age of the vehicle will be determined by the period of registration. . If you are in doubt or need clarification regarding the maximum age limit allowed then please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please note that the District Council's policy is such that any vehicle that has been written off will not be licensed. All accidents to vehicles once licensed must be fully reported to the Licensing Team and full details of the damage to be supplied. See section Accident Reporting below for further advice.

Application forms

You do not need to make an appointment to submit your application in person. You can email your completed application form and other documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you can arrange to make the payment by telephoning the Licensing Team on 01629 761166.

The Council's preferred method of payment is debit or credit card. Please do not post original documentation (V5/Insurance or MOT) or cash to us.

  • Application forms for a new Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle licence are available to download or can be requested by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The application form must be submitted with the following documents:

  • Proof of ownership (V5/55 Log book)
  • Proprietorship Requisition Declaration
  • A valid insurance certificate

The vehicles are tested at six monthly intervals by the District Council's own mechanics at our depot based on Harrison Way at Darley Dale.

Vehicle Testing

Vehicles will need to be inspected to ensure compliance with the requirements for the vehicle specification and licence conditions contained in the Council's Taxi Licensing Policy, before a licence is granted. You will need to ring 01629 761345 to book a vehicle test. Failure to attend the test will result in you being charged a missed appointment fee.

Before you submit the vehicle for testing, you must ensure that the vehicle is in good condition, i.e. mechanically sound, bodywork in a satisfactory condition and the engine and full chassis steam cleaned. Owners of vehicles will be subject to a re-test fee in respect of vehicles that do not pass the inspection test and have to be re-submitted for a second test.

What happens when I have obtained my Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle licence?

Once you have obtained your Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle licence, your vehicle can only be driven by drivers who hold a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle drivers licence issued by Derbyshire Dales District Council.

Your licence will be valid for one year only and will be subject to a condition that the vehicle is tested at the Council's depot 6 months after the date of the licence. You will be required to submit your renewal application at least 10 working days before it expires. You will also be required to comply with the District Council's Taxi Licence Policy conditions that apply to all licensed vehicles.

It is important that you read and fully understand the conditions because if you breach the conditions, you may be given penalty points, or in more serious cases your vehicle licence can be suspended or in some cases revoked.

Accident Reporting

If any licensed vehicle is involved in an accident, this must be reported to the Authorised Officer, in writing, as soon as possible, but in any event within 72 hours (3 days) of the incident using an accident report form.

Where, following an incident resulting in accident or damage to a licensed vehicle, it is the intention of the owner or operator to continue licensed use, the vehicle must be inspected (at the owner’s or operator’s expense) to determine its fitness for continued use. The Council may suspend the use of a licensed vehicle until it is suitably repaired to the Council’s satisfaction.

The District Council will not licence vehicles that have been written off.

A licensed vehicle, which has suffered major accident damage or requires substantial mechanical repair may be replaced by a hire vehicle, provided:

1. The damage to, or defect in, the vehicle has been reported; Application is made in the usual way for a change of vehicle (albeit temporarily); 2. The replacement vehicle meets the Council’s licensing criteria and is suitable to be used for hire purposes;

3. The hiring of the hire vehicle is organised and paid for by the affected licensed owner or operator.

4. The fee for testing the vehicle is paid, (at the time the appointment is booked).

Buying and selling a licensed vehicle

Anyone who buys or sells a licensed vehicle must notify the Council within seven days, in writing.

The Council need to know the details of the new owner of the car and also the previous owner's details. There is no need to re-test the vehicle at this stage but you will be required to complete an application form for vehicle transfer and pay the appropriate Fee.

If your vehicle licence plates are missing, make enquiries with the police and also notify the Council in writing that you have lost your plates. There is a standard charge for replacement plates if you cannot recover your originals.

How long does the vehicle licence last for?

Your licence will be valid for one year only. The Council will endeavour to send you a renewal reminder at least 4 weeks before the expiry date. This reminder is a courtesy service only and it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure that your licence doesn't expire. If you do not renew in time, you will need to submit a new application and your licence plate number will no longer be valid. if a new licence is granted, your vehicle will be issued with a new plate, with a new licence number.

Please check that you have the following listed documents when you are ready to submit your application:

Completed and signed application form

  • Vehicle Registration Document (V5/V55)
  • Valid insurance document
  • Evidence that the vehicle has never previously been written off (Used vehicle check)
  • MOT certificate (If applicable). This check will be carried out on-line.
  • DVLA Code
  • The appropriate fee (see our Fees website page for all licence application and other charges)

Accessible taxis for wheelchair users

Drivers of wheelchair accessible hackney carriages (taxis) or private hire vehicles must provide assistance to wheelchair users and must not charge any additional fare.

Drivers must:

  • carry the passenger while in their wheelchair if they wish
  • carry the wheelchair if the passenger chooses to sit in a passenger seat
  • ensure the passenger is carried in safety and reasonable comfort
  • give the passenger reasonable mobility assistance, such as:
  • helping them to get into or out of the vehicle
  • if the passenger chooses to remain in their wheelchair, helping them to get into and out of the vehicle while in their wheelchair
  • loading and unloading the passenger’s luggage
  • loading the wheelchair into or out of the vehicle if required

Charges for carrying wheelchair users

Drivers must not make any extra charge for carrying or assisting a passenger with a wheelchair.

The taximeter should not be left running while helping the wheelchair passenger, or while the passenger gets into or out of the vehicle.


Drivers may be able to claim an exemption from these duties on medical grounds, or because their physical condition makes it impossible or unreasonably difficult for them to comply.

If a driver has been granted an exemption certificate, they must display it in their vehicle.

The law regarding wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire vehicles

These requirements are in accordance with sections 165 and 167 of the Equality Act 2010, which make it a criminal offence for drivers of designated taxi and private hire vehicles to refuse to carry passengers in wheelchairs, and to fail to provide them with appropriate assistance, or to charge them an extra fare.

Finding wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire vehicles

The following vehicles are licensed as being wheelchair accessible and available for hire:

Hackney carriages/taxis

Private Hire Vehicles

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