Part 1: What is the Hurst Farm Regeneration Vision?
Q1.1: Why is a regeneration strategy needed for Hurst Farm?
A: A regeneration strategy is formed through a consultation process with local residents and stakeholders. The resulting strategy becomes a joint vision for the community on how the estate, its infrastructure, services and opportunities are to be developed over 5-15years and this allows for a joined up approach.Having a clear strategic vision and masterplan provides all the information needed to plan the improvements and to apply for the relevant funding. Consultation data and well thought out project proposals increase the likelihood of securing funding manifold. A good strategy can therefore make a significant difference to the regeneration success of an estate.
Q1.2: Why do we need to spend money on a regeneration strategy and masterplan at all?
A: The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) made available funding as part of a new and ambitious estate regeneration programme. This funding supports councils, organisations and communities to employ a regeneration officer and together create innovative proposals for transformation. Hurst Farm was fortunate to be selected as one of only 100 estates in the UK to have this opportunity.Unfortunately, this funding received for Hurst Farm is not for physical improvement projects.
Q1.3: What is a ‘masterplan’?
A: A ‘masterplan’ is an overall development plan for the estate. It is a framework that sets out improvements to the issues residents have identified during a consultation process. The aim of a masterplan is to provide the business case to attract funding to pay for the physical improvement projects. A ‘masterplan’ is a way of consulting with and getting the whole community involved in deciding how an estate develops over the next 15-20 years. It creates a process that strengthens community ties and builds skills and capacity for change within a community.
Q1.4: What has Derbyshire Dales District Council done so far?
A: 2017. During the 1st year of the project Derbyshire Dales District Council collated all existing data and information for Hurst Farm in order to create a picture of ‘what we already know’ and ‘what we need to find out’. We started to build relationships and partnerships with local stakeholders and local organisations looking at working together to form a more co-ordinated approach and bring about better delivery of services on the estate. As a partnership we set up a project board that meets quarterly to guide the regeneration work.
2018-19. In the summer of 2018 we have completed the first phase of the community consultation, started to prepare a draft vision which we consulted on during a 2nd consultation phase in April and June 2019. Feedback from community consultation showed us the priorities and aspirations of the community and enabled us to formulate 8 key projects and a funding strategy. This was launched in November 2019 and we have been working ever since on bringing in the funding to make the vision a reality.
In 2018 we were successful in securing Pocket Park funding from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government for Spider Park to improve the play offer and plant a community orchard. The work was completed in June 2019.
In 2019 we submitted a stage 1 funding bids for the creation of a Hurst Farm Heritage Trail project. This was successful and we received a 2 year Development Grant.
We also started work on developing a Lottery Partnership funding bid for further refurbishment for Spider Park looking at setting up a community food growing project, improving footpaths and extending the playground further. We also secured separate funding to install a CCTV camera.
2020-2022. Despite Covid we continued with the development of the Heritage Trail, which saw us run two online community consultations involving Hurst Farm and the surrounding communities at Asker Lane, Lumsdale and Tansley. The feedback shaped our proposals. We worked with 10 consultants to develop a 3 year Activity plan, a Woodland Management Plan and design the footpath improvements. The resulting £1.2m funding bid was submitted in February 2022 and was successful. Work will start in January 2023 to deliver the Heritage Lottery funding over three years.The old Social Club secured £550k of funding to complete a complete refurbishment of the building in May 2022. The resulting modern building is now a Community Hub housing the community pub Farmer’s View, a community shop Farmer’s Larder and a community café Milkchurn.
Q1.5: Why are we working with FOHF, Farmer’s View and Castle View School?
A: Derbyshire Dales District Council is working closely with the Friends of Hurst Farm, the Farmer’s View (former Social Club), Castle View School, Highfields Secondary School to ensure the regeneration process stays as connected to the Hurst Farm community as possible. Early on in the process we identified that Hurst Farm currently has few community assets beyond the community centre and old Social Club building. Through this process we would like to help the community develop more community accessible spaces and facilities on Hurst Farm and feel that FOHF, the Farmer’s View and the schools are great partners to team up with to achieve this.
Part 2: Communication
Q2.1: How will you communicate with residents?
A: During the lifespan of this regeneration project we will communicate with residents in various ways. There are updates on the Derbyshire Dales District Council website and the Hurst Farm community have set up a website outlining the vision. The Hurst Farm website will be expanded in 2023 to become the main source for updates and information on Hurst Farm activities, events and enterprises. We will also be contributing project updates to the Friends’ quarterly newsletters and we will release information through the Friends' Facebook page. We will also be installing community information boards around Hurst Farm at the start of 2023 and will be posting regular updates.
Q2.2: Where can I find more information?
A: As the project develops the District Council will provide further information through their website, the noticeboards and the quarterly FoHF newsletter will have updates, ensuring residents and stakeholders remain fully informed. For further information please email:
Q2.3: Can I speak to someone that is independent and can offer advice?
A: Derbyshire Dales CVS has been appointed to be an independent body to work with FOHF and the Social Club. They can also offer free and confidential advice to residents and the community. You can get in contact on 01629812154 or look on their website. You can also contact the Citizens' Advice Bureau(CAB) at Matlock Town Hall for free and confidential information and support. Call the Telephone Advice Line 0808 278 7954 or drop-in Mon-Fri, 9.00am to 4.00pm.
Part 3: Specific questions
Q3.1: As part of the Heritage project we understand you will be cutting down trees?
A: We will be cutting down some trees as part of the work for the Heritage Trail creation. These are mainly Ash trees that are affected by ash die back and pose a risk to the public. We also plan to remove about seven healthy trees by the Wishing stone to open up the historical view across to the countryside beyond again. The trees for removal were identified by the professional woodland manager and ecologist in the Woodland Management Plan we commissioned during the Heritage Trail Development Phase.We value the woodland, it’s habitat and wildlife and want to ensure it is as healthy as it can be for future generations to enjoy. For the woodland to thrive some maintenance and clearance work is needed. All the clearance work to be undertaken in the woodland will be done by professional arboriculture contractors. Following the clearance we plan to plant replacement trees of local provenance in suitable spaces along the walk. We will also be installing bird, bat, insect and hedgehog boxes to encourage more wildlife. We will be managing the existing grass land to encourage the resident rare wall butterfly and will be planting a large wildflower meadow and vale.
Q3.2: Can I get involved in community projects or events?
A: We are actively encouraging anyone who is interested to join in with the community projects and events. If you have skills, time, or just want to support your community feel free to contact
Q3.3: Will the roads on Hurst Farm be improved as part of this regeneration strategy and funding?
A: The consultation process that formed part of the regeneration strategy process looked at the existing infrastructure of the estate, such as the condition of the surfacing and parking. However, actual road improvements will only happen, if we can raise the funding for the work after the masterplan has been created and will depend on the quality of the evidence we can gather from the residents. If the state of the roads on the estate, or parking is an issue for you then please make sure that you speak out feel free to contact
If you have further questions please email