Town centre survey in Ashbourne

A woman with folder and pen in her hands stands next to a smiling grey haired man as she asks him survey questions

Over the next two weeks, visitors to Ashbourne might see fieldworkers in blue tabards inviting people to fill out a 5-minute questionnaire about the town centre.

The surveys are required by central government as a condition of the Levelling Up Funding, and the District Council have appointed independent research organisation People and Places Insight to carry them out. The results will help measure the impact of the Ashbourne Reborn transformation programme, which aims to bring back vibrancy, vitality and economic prosperity to the town centre. The surveys will be repeated one year after the scheme is complete, and again three and five years after so that the answers can be compared over time.

We would like to hear from anyone that goes to Ashbourne town centre, including residents and other visitors. If you don’t get the chance to fill out the survey face-to-face you can still share your opinions using the Ashbourne Town Centre Survey 2024 online. Fieldworkers will be in Ashbourne for about six days over the next two weeks (weather dependent), and the online survey will be open for two weeks until 18 October.

A map of the areas mentioned in the survey can be viewed here: Location Map Ashbourne Reborn

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