
Red, white and blue bunting hangs across a sunny St John Street as two women walk into a coffee shop

All the partners involved in Ashbourne Reborn recognise that it wouldn’t be possible to make these changes without some disruption. We are committed to minimising the impact so that visitors can enjoy their holidays and days out in the town.

If you visit during the works, you might experience some temporary road closures. In this case, any diversions will be clearly signposted.

To bring back a sense of vibrancy to the heart of the town, the Market Place will no longer be a car park but there is plenty of parking elsewhere. There will be signage to alternative car parks, and if you’d like to plan in advance you can find more information on our webpage about parking in Ashbourne.

Although roadworks will be taking place for a short time along some of Ashbourne’s popular shopping streets, including Dig Street and St John Street, businesses will be open as usual. Please observe any safety barriers, but do continue to visit your favourite shops, cafes and bars as this work is carried out.

When Ashbourne Reborn is finished visitors will enjoy wider pavements, safer crossings and a series of transformed public spaces that are ready to host the town's vibrant programme of outdoor events for many years to come!

Find out What's On in Ashbourne with Discover Ashbourne.

The latest information about Ashbourne Reborn, including which areas of town are currently affected by works, will be posted on Facebook @ashbournereborn, Instagram @ashbournereborn and our website

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